In pregnancy , due to hormonal changes , constipation , acidity , nausea and vomiting are commonly seen .there is feeling of fullness even on eating a small amount and tendency for heart burn. It is advisable to follow certain guidelines for eating during pregnency . â— So it is advisable to eat small frequent meals . â— Avoid tea / coffee/ packed juices / papaya / pineapple / aerated drinks / sugary snacks / fried and processed foods / raw eggs / unpasteurised milk / alcohol / smoking . â— Take arounds a 8 glasses of liquids including milk , buttermilk , coconut water, lemonade etc . â— Do not skip breakfast . take timely meals. â— Prefer whole grains ( like sprouts , daliya ) to refined once ( like bread , noodles , biscuits ) . â— Have atleast 6 servings of fruits and vegitables eatch day . â— Have atleast 3 servings of protein rich food every day like dal , sprouts , egg , soyanuggets etc . â— Have atleast 3 servings of dairy products like milk ,curd,paneer, etc. â— During cooking use minimum oil and less salt and sugar and spices. â— Do not eat outside / stale food . â— Additional energy need for normal weight women 2nd trimester ( 13 – 27 weeks ) . + 360 kcal . 3rd trimester ( 28 -40 weeks ) .+ 470 kcal . Lactation ( breast feeding ) + 500 kca